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    Innovative Trends of Technology in Health and Social Care.

    University: Monash University, Melbourne

    • Unit No: 14
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 14 / Words 3618
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: MMGSM986
    • Downloads: 1176


    Independent living can be described as a capability to live independently and productively in community along with some freedom of choice as a non- disable person. It also explains about ability to examine alternatives and make informed decisions and provide a correct direction to an individual's life as well. It is necessary for each and every person to get an desired life as per their needs and desires so that they can have a comfortable lives and spend their time properly along with good health (Al-Shaqi, Mourshed and Rezgui, 2016). Independent living can be considered as an idea, thought or concept procedure that can be applied in life to make it better and peaceful. This assignment is based on given case studies and it will discuss about various technologies that can be used to gain better life along with certain barriers to utilise the same. It also includes the explanation of ethical issues considerations and impact of emerging trends. Determining an individual's specific needs and recommendations for new technologies is being discussed below.

    TASK 1

    1.1 Use of technology in supporting independent living

    There are different types of technologies which are utilised by people for their own various purposes to gain desired outcomes. Similarly, many techniques are also introduced in current scenario of digitalisation through which a person get better life style and live in comfortable manner. Basically, technological equipments and machines are really beneficial in medical professional as they render support to doctors for determining actual situation of patients along with providing better treatment to them so that they can sort out their health issues properly (Bedaf, Gelderblom and De Witte, 2015). It is necessary to analyse about health issues because several disease are very harmful so that it is very essential to identify them art earlier stages so that it will cured at desired period of time. Apart from treatment, it is mandatory for medical professionals to communicate with each other about patients in accurate manner as they all have different cases or conditions. Several technological soft-wares are helpful to make an appropriate conversation and maintaining records of pathological reports of number of patients for future purpose.

    According to the case of Sally, as she is suffering is facing problem of tingling and numbness earlier and after that she complains about issues of double vision as well. After consulting with a neurologist, it is identified that sally is actually suffering from multiple sclerosis. As time passes on, she is facing issue of weakness as it is not easy for her to carrying out daily routine work such as typing, difficulty in holding lunch tray and problem in mobility. Due to this critical problem, she is referred to an occupation therapist for Ankle Foot Orthosis. There are various kinds of devices which are used to help these unable persons to conduct their routine work easily such as capability switches, autism products, products for the visually impaired, media, sensory products, computer aids and other useful devices (Blackman and et. al., 2016). Finally, a psychologist thoroughly conducted check up of sally and recommended to utilise an equipment called personal digital assistance (PDA) which is usually known as pocket coach that helps to aid memory skills.

    1.2 Barriers to use of technology in health and social care

    Health and social care is an important factor which is necessary to be focused and put an accurate actions to make society well being and comfortable. Technologies are helpful in medical field as it provide support to determine several diseases in an accurate way and procedures of treatment can be done easily with the help of these techniques. It is necessary to use an effective as well as efficient technological equipments so that accuracy in medical organisations can be maintained and help to provide proper diagnosis to required patients. Every technological method has its own impact on particular procedure then doctors have to determine their effects and then implement them properly to gain desired results.

    There are various kinds of barriers which are usually observed such as budget constraints, lack of internal resources, resistance to technology, knowledge & skill deficits, long term funding and others. It is also observed that several disadvantages are faced due to emerging trends that can be considered as barriers for using technology. It includes risks of invading an individual's privacy, potential isolating effects and so on.

    According to given case study of Sally, she is suffering from a disease called multi sclerosis that is not possible to determine at it's early stages and make critical condition if not treated at correct period of time (Dunlop and et. al., 2015). This health issue is usually identified through certain psychological symptoms like depression, anxiety and so on. As she is facing problem of weakness in conducting regular routine work so several tools and techniques are used by her to facilitate daily routine work in an easy manner but such equipments are quite expensive and it is not possible for every person to afford such technological devices to solve problems. The factor of affordability is working as barriers in such conditions. The person is not have proper knowledge of using these devices properly which is also barrier because due to lack of information they avoid these techniques and cannot achieve desired benefits.

    1.3 Benefits of technologies to service user as well as organisation

    The technologies are really beneficial for service user as well as organisation; it will provide support to both of them to gain desired results. Innovative trends of new and creative technologies are helpful to company in trends of carrying out regular procedures more effectively and get better outcomes. Along with it, customers get better goods or services to fulfil their actual taste or preferences as well. Technology is supportive in various aspects and help to conduct any activity in correct way (Fischinger and et. al., 2016). There are different types of technique and equipments that are implemented by companies as per their requirements to fulfil desires as well. Some of benefits which can be gained by disabled students from technological methods are given below:

    Peripheral devices:- This can be described about those devices which involves adapted joysticks, enlarged keyboards and touch screens that helps in simplifying the information.

    Electronic communication devices:- It basically includes augmented and alternative communication devices feature assistive technological equipments.

    According to the scenario given, Sally can utilise the above mentioned devices to conduct her daily routine work easily. These all are kind of assistive technology which provide support to people to do their work properly without having help from any other individual. There are various aspects in which a person needs advanced techniques like eye gears, molecular genetics advancements, mobility assistive technology, personal digital assistance, hearing aids,use of robotics in surgery and patches etc. these are all those requirements which are completed through utilising an effective as well as efficient tools (Greeson and et. al., 2015).

    Due to having issues of multi sclerosis, Sally is facing problem of weakness and she if not able to conduct her daily routine work such as typing, holding lunch tray etc. After doing thorough investing of her symptoms and problems, psychologist prescribed her to use hand-held personal digital assistant (PDA) to aid in her memory skills and that device make her recognise that what to do next. Many other benefits are also achieved through technologies such as use tp robotics in surgical procedure, hearing aids, disease modulating medication, personal digital assistance, mobility assistive technology and many more. Sally can use these equipments as per her requirements to gain a better life.

    2.1 Explanation of health and safety considerations in use of technologies

    Health and safety is important for an individual to carrying out their daily routine work and live a comfortable life. It is necessary to conduct several activities or tasks to make people of society healthy as well. Various types of methods or campaigns are organised by government and other legal authorities so that they can make citizens aware about health issues and provide information to avoid diseases (Hackney and et. al., 2015). But to implement technological machine, it is essential to consider several health and safety considerations while carrying out any activity as per requirements and get desired outputs as well. It is mandatory to follow several policies because it may become harmful for other's lives. The organisations which are ready to use several technologies then are they have to make sure about important considerations and adopt them to implement technique properly.

    According to the given case, the psychologists prescribed several devices to Sally and they have to make sure it will be not harmful in any means. Technologies will not be used to interfere in any one's personal life. It is necessary to observe and analyse positive and negative impact of specific technique which is going to be applied so that probable issues can be avoided and get better results. Some of these considerations are given below:

    • The health and safety at work act which was introduced in year of 1974 that states that technological equipments can be utilised in organisation through ensuring that it does not harm any staff members while they are working on machines.
    • Several risks are there to use machines as they are harmful for workers and it is mandatory y to follow safety circumstances to work on such devices (Kerssens and et. al., 2015).
    • There are various kinds of duty's which are mandatory to be fulfil by employer's such as make workplace safe, prevent risks to health, ensure secure working practices, set up emergency plans etc.
    • Provider's should consider several policies to introduce new technologies like level & stage of cognitive impairment, ability to carry out activities of daily living, emotional factor like anxiety or depression, ability of building structures, design of new facilities, staff training etc.

    2.2 Ethical considerations in use of technologies

    The meaning of ethics refers to that set of rules which make sure that whether specific thought and concept is morally good or bad. There are various kinds of ethical policies which are necessary to be followed by every company while implementing any of technology to carrying out regular activities properly. New technique are helpful to conduct different kinds of procedures or tasks more effectively as well as efficiently to get better productivity and profitability (Linner and et. al., 2015).

    Ethical principles

    Autonomy :- It is all about top choose any thing in every day life independently. According to this principle, patient have a right to select method of treatment by their own convenience and the take diagnosis of particular disease.

    Beneficence :- It involves that medical professionals have to determine benefits of particular technique. They are required to convey an appropriate information about specific method of treatment to patient and if people agree then only doctors can prefer that treatment procedure.

    Non-maleficence :- Several techniques have potential to expose people to risk then it is necessary for medical professional to achieve balance between ensuring safety and invading privacy as well.

    Justice :- It involves the interest of justice as the resources available should be allocate in such as manner so as to balance needs of individuals with those wider community.

    As per the given scenario, the psychologist have to follow all above mentioned principles while providing any device to Sally to sort out problem of conducting her daily routine work like typing, holding lunch tray etc. Psychologist provide an assistive technological device to Sally named as personal digital assistant (PDA) that is usually known as Pocket Coach which helps to aid in her memory skills (Ni, García Hernando and de la Cruz, 2015). Some of practices for an ethical approach of assistive technology is as follows:

    • Assessment
    • Consent to use of assistive technology
    • Risks associated with technology
    • Sourcing equipment
    • Installation
    • Social isolation and well being

    2.3 Impact of recent and emerging technological development on health and social care

    The various types of be technologies are introduced in current scenario of emerging trends which has their own positive and negative impact. It is necessary to observe, analyse and evaluate effects on fresh technique and determine whether they are useful as per requirements or not. In case of assistive technology, there are several kinds of such methods are introduced to conduct different treatment procedure in effective as well as efficient manner to get desired outcomes (Reichherzer and et. al., 2016). There are various kinds of techniques which are utilised by medical professionals to get an accurate outputs in order to get better results of patient's conditions. Some of these assistive technological examples are given below:

    • Insulin implant
    • Ventilator
    • Artificial limbs
    • Cochlear implant (ear implant)
    • Pacemaker (Heart implant)
    • Electric wheelchairs
    • Hoists Adapted computes

    The above mentioned technique are included in assistive technology which are same ad that device which is provided by psychologist to Sally so that she will remember things and conduct her daily routine work in proper manner. Previously, Sally was treated with normal methods but while come to know about critical situation regarding her weakness then medical specialist provide a technological device for her welfare as well (Stephenson and Limbric, 2015). The impact of recent and emerging technological development on health and social care is given below.

    Positive impact

    • It helps to improve health and safety of society in more appropriate manner.
    • Technology provide support to boost up efficiency and save time as well.
    • It will help to reduce deaths and pressure of emergency services.
    • New technique help to promote good reputation, better quality of care and competitive advantage.

    Negative impacts

    • High cost due to use of expensive equipments, maintenance and training procedures.
    • It creates high demand and results into pressure on health and social care organisations.
    • Expectations of people get increased rapidly and it may leads to an unhealthy competition between organisations (Turnbull and et. al., 2015)

    TASK 2

    3.1 Identify the specific needs of an individual requiring support to live independently

    Actual requirements of an individual are necessary to be determined in correct manner so that an accurate treatment can be provided to them. A human body has an immune system which is responsible for several types of allergies and response to extremal environment. It can be considered as an essential activity to first conduct an accurate check up of a person so that requirements of people are can be determined in correct way. It will facilitate to carrying out treatment of patient more effectively as well as efficiently to get desired outputs. It is mandatory to get better. Different types of people has their differentiated needs which should be fulfilled through suitable technique and get better results as well.

    According to the give case of Jane, she is suffering from learning disability, limited mobility and chronic health problems which include Epilepsy and Diabetes type 2. She is a 59 years old lady who requires proper bed rets along with better treatment so that it will become easy for her to spend rest of life in comfortable manner. It is necessary to crit9ically analyse complications of case and then start the procedure of treatment more carefully to get required results as well (Van Hees, Moyson and Roeyers, 2015). People has several other problems also which should be kept in mind by medical professionals while conducting the tasks of diagnosing. These factors are agitation, memory distortions, depression, restlessness, tremor, trouble eating, delusions and so on. As per scenario of given case, Jane is facing problem of learning disability, limited mobility and chronic diseases due to which she is not able to conduct daily routine work like cook, wash, cleans etc. she was also fell to the floor due to suspected heart attack and could not reach emergency alarm in her room. After felling better she wish to get back herself in flat Sunshine Sheltered Accommodation where it is possible for her to live independently.

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    3.2 Recommendations for technologies use which might support the independent living

    There are various kinds of technologies which can e utilised by people to spend a comfortable and proper life as well. It may include several devices such as stair lifts, electric wheelchairs, certain techniques to use phone to replace speech and so on. Apart from this, variou sensors are also useful which are used for doors, beds, enuresis, epilepsy, flood, falls monitors and many more.

    According to given scenario of Jane, it is recommended that she can use various types of sensors to detect everything and carrying out her regular routine work properly. It will make her independent as she can do each and every tasks by herself without taking favour of any other individual. She can utilise several emergency devices at the time of certain misshapenness such as floods, Tsunami, earthquake etc. For example, Jane can use tele- care technique which is helpful in every types of medical assistance properly. Apart from this, MAT can be preferred as it stands fro movement assistive technology that has some sensors and digital devices which helps to conduct various kinds of daily activities.

    3.3 Usefulness of technology for users of health and social care services

    There are various kinds of benefits which are attained by service users in several aspects. It is necessary to get better quality of service along with ensuring safety measures as well. Innovative techniques are helpful in boosting up number of choices and remain independent. It includes different kinds of benefits such as reduced social isolation, decreased burden placed on carers, improve health conditions for long time, reduce accidents or falls at home and many more.

    According to the case study, Jane can utilise various technical devices to spend her life properly through conducting daily routine work by own and live independently. She can utilise stair lifts, electric wheelchairs, enuresis sensors which detect moisture, epilepsy-sensors that placed under mattresses and trigger an alarm if someone has seizure. Get Assignment Help By Australia at an affordable price.


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    The above report had concluded that an independent living can be considered as an idea, thought or concept procedure that can be applied in life to make it better and peaceful. There are different types of technologies which are utilised by people for their own various purposes to gain desired outcomes. Health and social care is an important factor which is necessary to be focused and put an accurate actions to make society well being and comfortable. The technologies are really beneficial fort service user as well as organisation it will provide support to both of them to gain desired results. It is essential to consider several health and safety considerations while carrying out any activity as per requirements and get desired outputs as well. The meaning of ethics refers to that set of rules which make sure that whether specific thought and concept is morally good or bad. The various types of be technologies are introduced in current scenario of emerging trends which has their own positive and negative impact


    • Al-Shaqi, R., Mourshed, M. and Rezgui, Y., 2016. Progress in ambient assisted systems for independent living by the elderly. SpringerPlus. 5(1). p.624.
    • Bedaf, S., Gelderblom, G. J. and De Witte, L., 2015. Overview and categorization of robots supporting independent living of elderly people: what activities do they support and how far have they developed. Assistive Technology. 27(2). pp.88-100.
    • Blackman, S. and et. al., 2016. Ambient assisted living technologies for aging well: a scoping review. Journal of Intelligent Systems. 25(1). pp.55-69.
    • Dunlop, D. D. and et. al., 2015. Sedentary time in US older adults associated with disability in activities of daily living independent of physical activity. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 12(1). pp.93-101.
    • Fischinger, D. and et. al., 2016. Hobbit, a care robot supporting independent living at home: First prototype and lessons learned. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 75.pp.60-78.
    • Greeson, J. K. and et. al., 2015. Foster youth and social support: The first RCT of independent living services. Research on Social Work Practice. 25(3). pp.349-357.
    • Hackney, M. E. and et. al., 2015. Adapted Tango improves mobility, motor–cognitive function, and gait but not cognition in older adults in independent living. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 63(10). pp.2105-2113.
    • Kerssens, C. and et. al., 2015. Personalized technology to support older adults with and without cognitive impairment living at home. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias®. 30(1). pp.85-97.
    • Linner, T. and et. al., 2015. Assistive robotic micro-rooms for independent living. Automation in Construction. 51.pp.8-22.

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